A 4-month coaching immersion for brilliant, big-hearted humans ready to release outdated beliefs & patterns, and boldly embody their radiance & leadership.
My clients come to me with really loud inner people-pleasers and inner critics, and they often share that their lives that feel uninspired and dull - like life has somehow lost its vibrancy.
They feel stuck in their heads and overwhelmed by their to-do lists.
They recognize that they’ve fallen into patterns that just aren’t serving their highest purpose and potential, and they want to experience more confidence and aliveness.
They want to shed outdated embedded beliefs of not being enough. They want to discover/reclaim their unique gifts and step into their power.
They want to take inspired, deeply-rooted action to call in their desires for greater joy, strength and alignment with their core values.
They want to feel unfuckwithable.
Does this sound like you? Well, I am here to help!
“Overthinking is our brain’s way of protecting us from overfeeling. But when we numb our feelings to avoid our pain we lose access to our pleasure too.
And pleasure is a requirement for healing pain. ”
I will help you access the wellspring of insight that resides within your body and challenge the cultural messages you’ve been fed against your will your whole life (I’m looking at you Patriarchy, Capitalism, and white supremacy).
The truth is that people in power benefit from you feeling insecure, ineffective and overwhelmed, and well-resourced humans have a greater capacity to stir shit up.
I want you to be so high on your own supply that you can give The Man something to reckon with.
Working with me, you’ll challenge the limiting beliefs borne of relational and cultural fuckery, as well as the subconscious resistance patterns that keep you feeling stuck and playing small.
Working with me, you’ll learn how to thaw frozen grief and shame in your body, and expand pleasure and power.
Working with me, you’ll shift towards aligned, embodied action that moves you closer to the future you desire.
Their capacity for audacity goes through the roof
They create and uphold powerful boundaries
They develop unshakeable body trust, and finally break free from Diet Culture
They start taking up more space: in relationships, in boardrooms, in movements for change
They learn to love themselves deeply and to make decisions from that well-resourced place
They develop generous self-compassion, and recover from life’s knocks with greater ease
Their advocacy for others deepens by natural extension of their personal growth
All of this and more is available for you, too, my friend.
This is my signature 4 month 1-on-1 coaching container for women and anyone who experiences misogyny. Inside, you will identify, challenge and release the things that are holding you back from unleashing your full power into the world.
Together we will create a dynamic alliance that’s rooted in safety and resonance that only deepens further over time. It’s super lush.
Using the tools of feminine embodiment and feminist resistance, I will coach you through the process of discovering and harnessing the wisdom of your inner wellspring to get where you seek to go.
It’s all inside of you just waiting to be accessed.
“I have seen, over and over, the connection between what brings aliveness to our systems and being able to access personal, relational and communal power.”
* 12 private coaching sessions over 4 months (3 weekly sessions followed by an integration week each month).
* A personalized co-created roadmap that will inform and support our direction.
* Tailor-made embodiment exercises to support your growth between sessions and forevermore!
* Session notes uploaded to a shared Google Doc after each call.
* Text/email support available from me in between sessions to support you the whole way through.
* A spot in any workshop I facilitate during your mentorship period (I typically do one per season).
* 24 hours before your session, in your appointment reminder, you’ll receive some Activation Questions to consider. Shoot your answers back to me (in whatever depth serves you). They will help set the stage and focus our time together.
* We’ll begin your session by grounding you into safety, bringing your body online with a guided drop-in process.
* Then we’ll collaborate to identify your specific goal for the session.
* Using powerful feminist questioning and feminine embodiment exercises, I’ll coach you through the exploration and liberation of the outdated beliefs and patterns that may be holding you back from accessing the relationships/confidence/success you desire.
* From this wellspring of embodied wisdom and pleasure, you will then burst forth with aligned, strategic action steps that will move you towards the empowered future you seek.
* I will offer exercises and/or inquiries as “homework” to deepen your insights and growth in between calls.
* After your session, you will find the notes I took during your session in our shared Google doc. You will be able to add to the doc yourself, and return to the brilliance you tapped into any time you wish. It’s a fantastic way to track your progress and stay on course.
Penalty free payment plans available
““I work with an amazing feminist coach, Katelyn Steven. Finding yourself, loving yourself and embodying your authentic self does not need to be a solo journey.””
““Working with Katelyn reminds me that what we do everyday matters because we matter. We matter so damn much. And that making space for loving ourselves is non-negotiable.”