books on writing
I love to read about writing. I just can't get enough.
I love reading advice on finding your creative voice, and on beating writer's block; I get pumped up learning tips on getting published, and what it's like working with an editor; I feel comforted and downright peaceful when flipping through grammar & style guides before bed. What can I say? I.Love. It. All. In fact, today I picked up two more books at my local library. It occurs to me only now that my interest might smell faintly of dork... Meh. I'm alright with it.
Anyway, so I've read a LOT of books on the topic of writing. I thought that it might be fun to compile a list of a few of my favourites - some are old, some brand new. There are dozens and dozens of acclaimed books on writing, so I know how daunting it is trying to figure out where to start your journey. I hope that this little collection of mine will be able point you in a helpful direction.
Unsurprisingly, I live for book recommendations, so if you'd like to feed my addiction, I'm ready and waiting. Cheers!